Even though it was rainy and miserable today, I still ♥ that it's summer! No work, tons of sand volleyball. Seriously, what else could a girl wish for?
So yesterday E and I went bike part shopping. The duathlon is only weeks (ahh!) away, and I am getting nervous. Anyway, I purchased a bike rack for my car. Last time I hauled my bike I took off the front wheel and stuffed it into my tiny Geo Prism. Not a good idea. My headliner is now in tattered, wind-blown pieces. So, bike rack to the rescue! I also made sure to purchase a pump so I don't have to spend 75 cents to fill up my tire at the local gas station. Seriously? Air costs 75 cents?! Ridiculous. Also on the list: a new helmet. I was wearing my mom's ancient helmet, it was ginormous.
I'm thinking when I move in with the folks - oh yeah, it's that time of year again. I'll still be paying rent here, but I have to live with them to save on gas while my classes are in session. Anyway, I think I'll bike to town (about 6 miles) to the gym and then bike back. That should help me prepare. Especially since there are quite a few nasty hills on our road. Yay...sarcastically.
I'm going to try and make it to a Weight Watchers meeting in CoMo tomorrow, because I had to miss mine in NH this past Monday. Cross your fingers for me!
Also, I'm kinda excited about a trip to the STL Arch Thursday - hope there's no bad weather. My brother and his girlfriend are flying into STL and I'm picking them up. His girlfriend wants to check the Arch and I haven't been in years. Should be fun. Unfortunately it's $10 (!!), but if I remember correctly, it's pretty darn cool.
Currently Reading: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (last one!)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Things that suck...
I used to have a list (compiled by myself and some of my friends during my freshman year in college). Our list was titled "Things that Suck," much to my mother's dismay. It was so much fun, so here's a short version:
Things that Suck...
sore muscles
being bored
annoying Jaybirds
staying on top of points (WW)
grading papers
natural disasters
but, I'm not really feeling "sucky" right now, so I feel as if I need to add the second part of the list...
Things that Rock...
ice cream
a good workout
sand volleyball!
david cook = american idol!
books - all types
pictures (see below)

Mom & Aunt Connie - she said they were just trying out the new camera, but who knows with those two...
Things that Suck...
sore muscles
being bored
annoying Jaybirds
staying on top of points (WW)
grading papers
natural disasters
but, I'm not really feeling "sucky" right now, so I feel as if I need to add the second part of the list...
Things that Rock...
ice cream
a good workout
sand volleyball!
david cook = american idol!
books - all types
pictures (see below)

Mom & Aunt Connie - she said they were just trying out the new camera, but who knows with those two...
What would you add to the suck or rock lists? Trust me, they're fun. And the best part is, you can always add more!
Currently reading: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Currently reading: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So about those drunk teachers...
Last night was the high school faculty party - the school year is officially over. I just wish I had pictures, cause seriously. My coworkers are great, I knew that ahead of time, but, I'd never seen every single one of them drunk (except Becky and me, of course). It was a riot! We played whiffle ball - which I was pathetically sore from this morning - played something like washers but with sandbags, told incredibly stupid knock knock jokes. It was funny because some of my coworkers I don't know very well. For example, C is a history teacher and he's so shy! I mean, I bet over the course of the school year I've said like 20 words to him (and I'm talkative). But he was drunk last night and damn, he can talk. Haha. Of course, PD was the worst - he and his "partner in crime" PS. They were hilarious. The art teacher even drunk dialed the principal, who showed up about 45 minutes later. Then there were sing-alongs. Mr. M had PD play some show tunes (The Sound of Music, Footloose, etc.) and there was much loud singing. I tell ya what, they're a trip. The sights I saw...amazing.
It makes me so glad that I found this community and this job where I feel comfortable, accepted, and happy. I look back on last year - like after I attended the graduation in Chitown (just a nickname of course) and am so grateful for where I am. My old principal still looks like a Buddha - it's the stomach - still wears the same grim expression, even when congratulating the class of 2008. Erin and I were still the best dressed people there. And that's pretty bad. Erin always looks cute. But come on, even when I'm "put together" it's nothing that impressive. :)
Sand volleyball is back! Which of course means, summer is finally here! I love sand volleyball. It's a bit of an obsession. Luckily I have friends who enjoy playing too. When we started playing 3 years ago (or was it 4?) I had them out on that court at least 5 days a week. Hmm...wonder if I can do that again this summer?
WI this week wasn't that impressive. I was down, but only by .2 pounds. I didn't feel as if I'd lost any weight, but after all that working out last week I was disappointed. I think it might be that I cut back on water and of course Sunday I strayed a bit - nothing extreme though. So this weeks goal? I'm going to try and eat all the fruit/veggie servings I'm supposed to every day and also drink all the water I'm supposed to. So I'm looking forward to next Monday - here I come scale!
Currently Reading: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (yes, I finally finished the first one! yay!)
It makes me so glad that I found this community and this job where I feel comfortable, accepted, and happy. I look back on last year - like after I attended the graduation in Chitown (just a nickname of course) and am so grateful for where I am. My old principal still looks like a Buddha - it's the stomach - still wears the same grim expression, even when congratulating the class of 2008. Erin and I were still the best dressed people there. And that's pretty bad. Erin always looks cute. But come on, even when I'm "put together" it's nothing that impressive. :)
Sand volleyball is back! Which of course means, summer is finally here! I love sand volleyball. It's a bit of an obsession. Luckily I have friends who enjoy playing too. When we started playing 3 years ago (or was it 4?) I had them out on that court at least 5 days a week. Hmm...wonder if I can do that again this summer?
WI this week wasn't that impressive. I was down, but only by .2 pounds. I didn't feel as if I'd lost any weight, but after all that working out last week I was disappointed. I think it might be that I cut back on water and of course Sunday I strayed a bit - nothing extreme though. So this weeks goal? I'm going to try and eat all the fruit/veggie servings I'm supposed to every day and also drink all the water I'm supposed to. So I'm looking forward to next Monday - here I come scale!
Currently Reading: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (yes, I finally finished the first one! yay!)
drunk teachers,
weight watchers
Drunk Teachers
Are a riot. I was the only sober one there (designated driver), and let me tell you...much fun was had. I'll update on that later.
At the moment however, I've just purchased a t-shirt to support Susan in her fight for cancer. Do I know her? No. But reading her husband's blog I feel as if I do. Check it out, or maybe more appropriately stated "Read it and weep" - literally. Such an amazing, and touching, story.
At the moment however, I've just purchased a t-shirt to support Susan in her fight for cancer. Do I know her? No. But reading her husband's blog I feel as if I do. Check it out, or maybe more appropriately stated "Read it and weep" - literally. Such an amazing, and touching, story.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Or not...
Tonight the new teachers went to Bingo Thursdays at the VFW hall. Yes, this is a small town. :) And, yes, there were many "old folk." I've never played bingo, outside of a classroom game. It was fun, unfortunately I didn't win anything. I tell you what, there are sure some dedicated Bingo players. There was one lady there with about 20 bingo markers (am I the only one who didn't know they had special markers for bingo?) in her special little "bingo bag" that was embroidered and everything. No joke.
::sigh:: So, two years down. Only what, 40 more to go or so? I'm officially done with my 2nd year of teaching, and I can say for sure that there isn't a single part of me that's thinking of not continuing. I've heard so many times that most teachers don't make it past 5 years, but I can't imagine me being one of them. Which is a good thing, cause I have no idea what else I would do. None. Sure, the kids are obnoxious sometimes, but they're entertaining, too. My old high school counselor used to tell me that teaching kept him young, and I can definitely see that. Plus, I have some pretty amazing co-workers. They're a pretty energetic group.
One of the local fitness centers is having a "bootcamp" this summer three days a week. My coworker B wants me to do it with her. Ahhh! It's at six o'clock in the morning! I am so not a morning person. Period. I stay up until about 1:00 most nights, just because I'm an idiot. Seriously. My cat wakes me up many mornings when I've slept past all my alarms. And when I say all my alarms I mean: 1 alarm that sits on my dresser so I actually have to get up to turn it off, and then my cell phone which has 5 alarms - all of which I set every night. It's horrible. I never used to have this problem. If an alarm went off, I was up. But then I discovered the snooze button about 2 years ago and it's been an uphill battle ever since. Anybody have a cure for this?
Tonight the new teachers went to Bingo Thursdays at the VFW hall. Yes, this is a small town. :) And, yes, there were many "old folk." I've never played bingo, outside of a classroom game. It was fun, unfortunately I didn't win anything. I tell you what, there are sure some dedicated Bingo players. There was one lady there with about 20 bingo markers (am I the only one who didn't know they had special markers for bingo?) in her special little "bingo bag" that was embroidered and everything. No joke.
::sigh:: So, two years down. Only what, 40 more to go or so? I'm officially done with my 2nd year of teaching, and I can say for sure that there isn't a single part of me that's thinking of not continuing. I've heard so many times that most teachers don't make it past 5 years, but I can't imagine me being one of them. Which is a good thing, cause I have no idea what else I would do. None. Sure, the kids are obnoxious sometimes, but they're entertaining, too. My old high school counselor used to tell me that teaching kept him young, and I can definitely see that. Plus, I have some pretty amazing co-workers. They're a pretty energetic group.
One of the local fitness centers is having a "bootcamp" this summer three days a week. My coworker B wants me to do it with her. Ahhh! It's at six o'clock in the morning! I am so not a morning person. Period. I stay up until about 1:00 most nights, just because I'm an idiot. Seriously. My cat wakes me up many mornings when I've slept past all my alarms. And when I say all my alarms I mean: 1 alarm that sits on my dresser so I actually have to get up to turn it off, and then my cell phone which has 5 alarms - all of which I set every night. It's horrible. I never used to have this problem. If an alarm went off, I was up. But then I discovered the snooze button about 2 years ago and it's been an uphill battle ever since. Anybody have a cure for this?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Seriously, come on...
I don't know why (maybe I'm just a bitch) but David Archuleta annoys me - his personality, not his voice. I'll admit, he sings wonderfully, and he will be famous. Maybe it's just because I teach kids his age, and sometimes they annoy me, too. :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Now I can't back out!
So, I'm officially signed up for the Spring into Summer Duathlon in a couple weeks. Ahhh! Now I'm scared. I know the first 2/3 will be okay, it's that last run...2 miles...that might just kill me.
In other news?
Another boring day. Sorry folks, the end of the school year just isn't all that exciting. I am heading to my old school this coming weekend for the kiddo's graduation. Not all of them (all 10 of them that is). Two of my volleyball girls are graduating and I just love them. They are so hilarious, smart, and just...great people. So, it's gonna be a long drive, but it'll be nice to see them again and congratulate them. My only problem is coming up with a simple (read: cheap) present that will work for both of them - they're going to the same university - and that's somewhat personal. Any ideas? They're going to the University of Central Missouri, if that helps.
Well, I'm out. Before I go though, everyone should check out Baba Yetu - it's an awesome song. You can't find it on iTunes, but you can find it just by searching Google. I'd link it up for ya, but what fun would that be.
Currently reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings (If crazy cooks would stop walking by my apartment when I'm reading I might actually finish it!)
In other news?
Another boring day. Sorry folks, the end of the school year just isn't all that exciting. I am heading to my old school this coming weekend for the kiddo's graduation. Not all of them (all 10 of them that is). Two of my volleyball girls are graduating and I just love them. They are so hilarious, smart, and just...great people. So, it's gonna be a long drive, but it'll be nice to see them again and congratulate them. My only problem is coming up with a simple (read: cheap) present that will work for both of them - they're going to the same university - and that's somewhat personal. Any ideas? They're going to the University of Central Missouri, if that helps.
Well, I'm out. Before I go though, everyone should check out Baba Yetu - it's an awesome song. You can't find it on iTunes, but you can find it just by searching Google. I'd link it up for ya, but what fun would that be.
Currently reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings (If crazy cooks would stop walking by my apartment when I'm reading I might actually finish it!)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Down 2.4...and I'm not talking about the Stock Market
Oh, such a creative title...I know. ::sigh:: I'm just at the point where my creativity is sapped. Sorry folks!
So now that my kids (ie. my senior students) are gone I'm left with almost nothing to do. You'd think I'd be ecstatic, and I am kinda relieved, but at the same time b-o-r-e-d! Last Thursday night was a whirlwind, but the day leading up to it was oh so boring. I sat. For hours. So, just to break it down for you, here's how my day went last Thursday.
8:20-9:50: Usually this is Composition I, but since my seniors were practicing graduation it was instead my "unplanned" plan period. I sat on my butt at my desk grading my Honor's 10th homework. Okay, I did get up and chase down a senior who had one of my all-time favorite books and threatened to call her every day of the summer until she returned it. Come on, she had The Kite Runner. I'm not lettin that one get away! And you'll be glad to know (overjoyed I'm sure) that she returned it the next day, go Nina!
9:55-11:20: World Cinema. At the beginning of the semester I had 15 kids. I now have 2. Seriously, what can you do with 2 kids?!
11:25-11:50: Lunch. Mmm...Smart Ones Ziti Marinara
11:55-1:25: My actual plan period. I seriously can't tell you what I did during this time. That's how boring it was.
1:30-3:00: Read & Write for Life - my least favorite class. Hate is too strong a word, but let's just say I was not unhappy (and actually felt a bit guilty) unloading this class onto my mentor next year. Good luck M! You'll need it.
3:00-5:00: It was Scrabble in the Library! Yes, you read that right. I was on my way home for a workout when I let myself get distracted by the oh-so-entertaining game of Scrabble taking place in the Library. It was a showdown. New teacher vs. Crazy Mrs. L (ok, so she's basically new, too). History teacher vs. English teacher. Who do you think won? Yup, history. Way to give us English teachers a good name, Jules.
5:00-6:15: Rivertown Restaurant. My first visit to one of the many restaurants in Htown besides Wings a Blazin and the Mexican restaurant. It was good. I had a yummy BLT and some not so yummy fries. I also discovered that I'm not the only horrible person - we all had a grand time making fun of a coworker. I know that makes me seem mean, but seriously. If only you knew.
6:45-9:00: Graduation! Mr. M managed to make a great exit (he's leaving us for another school district - I'll discuss this later). He hired a "singing Bearcat" (a Bearcat is our mascot) to serenade the seniors in retaliation for their lovely "singing Valentine" they hired for him on VDay. It was really cute. Those seniors are rascals though! I don't know if any of you gave your principal or superintendent something while walking across stage, but it seems to be a tradition in small-town Missouri. So, the seniors this year decided to give Mr. M screws. As in "you screwed us". Then the last senior gave him a screwdriver. I have no idea what they think he "screwed" them on, but come on! It's graduation, be nice! Fortunately Ms. B stepped in earlier in the night, because they were going to give him the sawed off paws of laboratory cats they had dissected about a month earlier in science class. EW!
All in all it was a good day/night. Busier than I meant for it to be, but great fun either way.
So. As I mentioned above, Mr. M (my principal) is leaving next school year. He's the one that interviewed me two years ago when I was dying for the job and he had to sadly tell me that the board had not gone with his recommendation (me). Then, he was the one that saved me from Hell (ie. the school where I was going to teach this year) when he called me out of the blue and asked if I was still interested. Seriously. After the principal I had last year, he's just...amazing. I've heard the new guy, Mr. L, is going to be a good fit, but it's kinda unnerving after getting comfortable with the situation as it was.
In other news, I'm down 2.4 pounds! Yay! That may not seem like much, but seriously, it didn't really feel like much work. I mean, I already work out at least 3-5 times a week. I seriously didn't realize how much I was eating. I'm just really enthusiastic now to stick with Weight Watchers. I'm excited!
This is turning into a really long post, sorry. A little more.
So, Mom told me last night that my step-Granddad died yesterday morning. Now, don't think I'm a bad person when I say I haven't seen him in a couple years. I was never close to him to tell you the truth. He never liked kids much and by the time we weren't kids he was just...old and cranky. I did send Meemaw a thinking of you card with an adorable kitten on it this morning (she shares my love of felines), so hopefully that shows that I do care. Looks like I'll be going to a funeral this week though. And later in the week? Three graduation ceremonies! Ahh...this time of year is crazy!
Well, that's all for now, that should do. :)
Currently Reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings (still, ahh!)
So now that my kids (ie. my senior students) are gone I'm left with almost nothing to do. You'd think I'd be ecstatic, and I am kinda relieved, but at the same time b-o-r-e-d! Last Thursday night was a whirlwind, but the day leading up to it was oh so boring. I sat. For hours. So, just to break it down for you, here's how my day went last Thursday.
8:20-9:50: Usually this is Composition I, but since my seniors were practicing graduation it was instead my "unplanned" plan period. I sat on my butt at my desk grading my Honor's 10th homework. Okay, I did get up and chase down a senior who had one of my all-time favorite books and threatened to call her every day of the summer until she returned it. Come on, she had The Kite Runner. I'm not lettin that one get away! And you'll be glad to know (overjoyed I'm sure) that she returned it the next day, go Nina!
9:55-11:20: World Cinema. At the beginning of the semester I had 15 kids. I now have 2. Seriously, what can you do with 2 kids?!
11:25-11:50: Lunch. Mmm...Smart Ones Ziti Marinara
11:55-1:25: My actual plan period. I seriously can't tell you what I did during this time. That's how boring it was.
1:30-3:00: Read & Write for Life - my least favorite class. Hate is too strong a word, but let's just say I was not unhappy (and actually felt a bit guilty) unloading this class onto my mentor next year. Good luck M! You'll need it.
3:00-5:00: It was Scrabble in the Library! Yes, you read that right. I was on my way home for a workout when I let myself get distracted by the oh-so-entertaining game of Scrabble taking place in the Library. It was a showdown. New teacher vs. Crazy Mrs. L (ok, so she's basically new, too). History teacher vs. English teacher. Who do you think won? Yup, history. Way to give us English teachers a good name, Jules.
5:00-6:15: Rivertown Restaurant. My first visit to one of the many restaurants in Htown besides Wings a Blazin and the Mexican restaurant. It was good. I had a yummy BLT and some not so yummy fries. I also discovered that I'm not the only horrible person - we all had a grand time making fun of a coworker. I know that makes me seem mean, but seriously. If only you knew.
6:45-9:00: Graduation! Mr. M managed to make a great exit (he's leaving us for another school district - I'll discuss this later). He hired a "singing Bearcat" (a Bearcat is our mascot) to serenade the seniors in retaliation for their lovely "singing Valentine" they hired for him on VDay. It was really cute. Those seniors are rascals though! I don't know if any of you gave your principal or superintendent something while walking across stage, but it seems to be a tradition in small-town Missouri. So, the seniors this year decided to give Mr. M screws. As in "you screwed us". Then the last senior gave him a screwdriver. I have no idea what they think he "screwed" them on, but come on! It's graduation, be nice! Fortunately Ms. B stepped in earlier in the night, because they were going to give him the sawed off paws of laboratory cats they had dissected about a month earlier in science class. EW!
All in all it was a good day/night. Busier than I meant for it to be, but great fun either way.
So. As I mentioned above, Mr. M (my principal) is leaving next school year. He's the one that interviewed me two years ago when I was dying for the job and he had to sadly tell me that the board had not gone with his recommendation (me). Then, he was the one that saved me from Hell (ie. the school where I was going to teach this year) when he called me out of the blue and asked if I was still interested. Seriously. After the principal I had last year, he's just...amazing. I've heard the new guy, Mr. L, is going to be a good fit, but it's kinda unnerving after getting comfortable with the situation as it was.
In other news, I'm down 2.4 pounds! Yay! That may not seem like much, but seriously, it didn't really feel like much work. I mean, I already work out at least 3-5 times a week. I seriously didn't realize how much I was eating. I'm just really enthusiastic now to stick with Weight Watchers. I'm excited!
This is turning into a really long post, sorry. A little more.
So, Mom told me last night that my step-Granddad died yesterday morning. Now, don't think I'm a bad person when I say I haven't seen him in a couple years. I was never close to him to tell you the truth. He never liked kids much and by the time we weren't kids he was just...old and cranky. I did send Meemaw a thinking of you card with an adorable kitten on it this morning (she shares my love of felines), so hopefully that shows that I do care. Looks like I'll be going to a funeral this week though. And later in the week? Three graduation ceremonies! Ahh...this time of year is crazy!
Well, that's all for now, that should do. :)
Currently Reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings (still, ahh!)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Oh Me, Oh My...
So, I'm ashamed to admit that I watch American Idol. Now, you must give me a break when I say that this is the first season I have ever watched. I refused before on principle alone. I mean, come on. All I remember from the beginnings of American Idol were the horrible singers who thought they were good and Simon ripping them to pieces.
Now that I've admitted my sins, I must say that I have enjoyed watching it this season. The reason I started watching you may ask? I discovered that David Cook was on, and I happened to "know" him during my freshman year of college at Truman State. He dated my best friend during high school and they dated awhile during our freshman year, too. I distinctly remember that he would not sing in front of all of us, just my friend. Which now I find funny, since, come on...he's singing on national television. Now, I won't say I still don't judge him when he sings, I wasn't particularly amazed by his performance tonight, but I do believe he's a pretty darn amazing singer. I guess the reason I sat down to write about American Idol (among other things) tonight is because of the horrid performance of Jason Castro. I haven't enjoyed his style since the beginning and I feel as if other singers who were better could've still been on, instead of him. Another thing that makes me sick on American Idol? The crazy teeny-bopper fans. They're nuts. They cheer their heads off, it's distracting. I can't imagine being David Archuleta up there on that stage with all those girls drooling over him. Seriously girls, gimme a break.
Exciting news (at least to me)! I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting yesterday. I'm going to do this. If there's one thing I have, it's discipline. And I'm determined to make this happen. What I really like is that at the beginning they don't even want you to set an ultimate weight loss goal. They just automatically set one for you at 10% of your body weight. And hey, when I make it there, I know I'll be motivated to reach my goal. Right now I'm munching on carrots because I'm starving (and holding dinner off) and I realized carrots are 0 points. I'll be eating a lot of those I feel. Broccoli, too! One thing they're very strict on though is that you actually eat all the points you're supposed to, which is good.
Last night after the meeting I went to Aldi and got some great deals (besides the carrots). Strawberries for $0.99, Fuji apples for $0.25/lb! I also had this really awesome Fit 'n Active southwestern veggie burrito deal for lunch that was yummy! I need to, and I will, keep on this. After a year forcing myself to the gym every week, this is definitely something I can accomplish. :)
Currently reading: The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Rings (that's the first one, right? Cause that's what I'm reading)
Now that I've admitted my sins, I must say that I have enjoyed watching it this season. The reason I started watching you may ask? I discovered that David Cook was on, and I happened to "know" him during my freshman year of college at Truman State. He dated my best friend during high school and they dated awhile during our freshman year, too. I distinctly remember that he would not sing in front of all of us, just my friend. Which now I find funny, since, come on...he's singing on national television. Now, I won't say I still don't judge him when he sings, I wasn't particularly amazed by his performance tonight, but I do believe he's a pretty darn amazing singer. I guess the reason I sat down to write about American Idol (among other things) tonight is because of the horrid performance of Jason Castro. I haven't enjoyed his style since the beginning and I feel as if other singers who were better could've still been on, instead of him. Another thing that makes me sick on American Idol? The crazy teeny-bopper fans. They're nuts. They cheer their heads off, it's distracting. I can't imagine being David Archuleta up there on that stage with all those girls drooling over him. Seriously girls, gimme a break.
Exciting news (at least to me)! I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting yesterday. I'm going to do this. If there's one thing I have, it's discipline. And I'm determined to make this happen. What I really like is that at the beginning they don't even want you to set an ultimate weight loss goal. They just automatically set one for you at 10% of your body weight. And hey, when I make it there, I know I'll be motivated to reach my goal. Right now I'm munching on carrots because I'm starving (and holding dinner off) and I realized carrots are 0 points. I'll be eating a lot of those I feel. Broccoli, too! One thing they're very strict on though is that you actually eat all the points you're supposed to, which is good.
Last night after the meeting I went to Aldi and got some great deals (besides the carrots). Strawberries for $0.99, Fuji apples for $0.25/lb! I also had this really awesome Fit 'n Active southwestern veggie burrito deal for lunch that was yummy! I need to, and I will, keep on this. After a year forcing myself to the gym every week, this is definitely something I can accomplish. :)
Currently reading: The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Rings (that's the first one, right? Cause that's what I'm reading)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
So, I've already mentioned that I'm pretty much done for the semester...the problem is that I'm not! We still have until the 15th with the kids. Haha, I really have to stop coming home and doing absolutely nothing.
Quote of the day:
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
Goals for the Summer:
Currently reading: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Quote of the day:
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
Goals for the Summer:
- Play - outside...a lot. I seriously love playing. Any type of playing. Kicking a soccer ball around, throwing a frisbee (which by the way I'm not too good with), swinging, biking, and who could forget...sand volleyball!
- Eating yummy fruits and veggies, and enjoying them. Seriously, I'm 24, I need to start liking tomatoes.
- Take pictures. I used to be a picture taking fool. I miss it, pictures are fun!
- Get in touch with "old" friends. Here is another place where I used to excel. I was the card sending friend. Now? Not so much. Bad Kate!
- Go to the Zoo :)
- Complete the duathlon with my family.
- Travel. Even if it's only in Missouri. It's better than sittin around!
Currently reading: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
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