That's what I'm blaming on my sad lack of posting lately. It's what I'm blaming everything else on, so why not, right? That's why I haven't been able to finish a book I've had out from the library for a month now. That's also why I haven't been running very much (AT ALL) lately. Oh, that's also why I'm not tracking. Bad Kate.
To break my lack of motivation spell, I'm hoping my new year's resolutions will help keep me motivated. Here they are:
1. Log 50 miles a month. That'd be 600 miles in a year. Not a lot...but I'm afraid if I set more it just won't happen.
2. Drink less diet coke. I was going to try and give it up completely, but I'm thinking with my lack of motivation (nice excuse, huh?) that just won't happen.
3. Continue to try and stop biting my fingernails. I'm much better now, but I hope it goes away completely...eventaully.
4. Track my meals again. All of them. Need to get back on track before the wedding in May.
5. Do these things. Seriously. Especially numbers 1 and 4.
Maybe since they're written down I'll be better. And maybe since I plan on logging my mileage at the end of every month to prove to myself that I can (and will) do it.