So I'm catsitting a cat for a friend (of a friend). I know I'm pathetic, I can't say no.
Complaints about said cat:
1. She's ugly. Sorry. She just is. Lemme see if I can scrounge up a picture.
2. She's retarded. Seriously. She can't walk in a straight line and her eyes are HUGE, she just looks below average.
3. She sheds like you would not believe! This has to be the worst. I'm sorry, I love cats, but I cannot STAND their hair. And her favorite place to sleep while I'm at school? My pillow. Damn you Emmy.
4. She poops outside the cat box. Now, I thought I had this figured out, she likes a really clean cat box. NOPE. I cleaned it out last night and wahlah, more poop on the floor this morning.
Needless to say, someone (Me!) can't wait until Emmy's Mom gets home from Jordan in May. I should start a countdown. On the other hand, Simon absolutely loves playing with her. Dang, I might have to get another kitty...darn ;)
Note: How the heck do you spell wahlah? I can't believe I've never come across this before. Surely it's easy and I'm just slow tonight.
Currently Reading: New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (slooow reading)
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