Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So about those drunk teachers...

Last night was the high school faculty party - the school year is officially over. I just wish I had pictures, cause seriously. My coworkers are great, I knew that ahead of time, but, I'd never seen every single one of them drunk (except Becky and me, of course). It was a riot! We played whiffle ball - which I was pathetically sore from this morning - played something like washers but with sandbags, told incredibly stupid knock knock jokes. It was funny because some of my coworkers I don't know very well. For example, C is a history teacher and he's so shy! I mean, I bet over the course of the school year I've said like 20 words to him (and I'm talkative). But he was drunk last night and damn, he can talk. Haha. Of course, PD was the worst - he and his "partner in crime" PS. They were hilarious. The art teacher even drunk dialed the principal, who showed up about 45 minutes later. Then there were sing-alongs. Mr. M had PD play some show tunes (The Sound of Music, Footloose, etc.) and there was much loud singing. I tell ya what, they're a trip. The sights I saw...amazing.

It makes me so glad that I found this community and this job where I feel comfortable, accepted, and happy. I look back on last year - like after I attended the graduation in Chitown (just a nickname of course) and am so grateful for where I am. My old principal still looks like a Buddha - it's the stomach - still wears the same grim expression, even when congratulating the class of 2008. Erin and I were still the best dressed people there. And that's pretty bad. Erin always looks cute. But come on, even when I'm "put together" it's nothing that impressive. :)

Sand volleyball is back! Which of course means, summer is finally here! I love sand volleyball. It's a bit of an obsession. Luckily I have friends who enjoy playing too. When we started playing 3 years ago (or was it 4?) I had them out on that court at least 5 days a week. Hmm...wonder if I can do that again this summer?

WI this week wasn't that impressive. I was down, but only by .2 pounds. I didn't feel as if I'd lost any weight, but after all that working out last week I was disappointed. I think it might be that I cut back on water and of course Sunday I strayed a bit - nothing extreme though. So this weeks goal? I'm going to try and eat all the fruit/veggie servings I'm supposed to every day and also drink all the water I'm supposed to. So I'm looking forward to next Monday - here I come scale!

Currently Reading: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (yes, I finally finished the first one! yay!)

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